
Sunday, December 23, 2012

added knit hats to my Etsy by MOM

I just added a bunch of knit hats to my Crochet Etsy shop. These are by MOM :)
And I am on my way to visit hubby in the hospital again and then to pick up mom. 
We are hoping I can pick him up Christmas morning that would be wonderful.
 Well have a happy Sunday.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Wool and Cork Tree Tutorial

I have some simple directions for you to use your scrap pieces of wool and some pipe cleaners to make tiny trees for the Holidays. You can make these with the 2 pieces of wool that I did or you can use just a single strip of wool and maybe different shades of green for a festive woodland Christmas.
Just a reminder if you make your trees to tall they will not stand very well so I suggest that you glue the cork onto small wooden circle disc's that you can purchase at a local craft store. You could also add one cork on top of the other to make them taller. Another suggestion is to use a thick wire instead of a pipe cleaner. But whatever you decide these are cute to make and are pretty easy. So enjoy and maybe you could have the kids or grandkids help.
Cut 2 strips of wool 1 1/4 in  wide by approx 6 in long. You can make these longer if you want your trees to be taller
I used a white piece and a green piece cut together

Cut your fringe into the section by cutting approx 1 inch into the strip and leaving 1/4 inch for twisting. Fringe both pieces together at the same time. (one on top of the other)
Take your brown pipe cleaner and hook one end. 

Hook the pipe cleaner over the first fringe

Start to twist the fringe around the pipe cleaner. You are twisting the 2 layers together at the same time.  No glue is needed along the pipe cleaner because it will grip the wool  but you will only need the dab at the bottom

When you are the end of the fringe add a dab of glue to the bottom to secure the end of the fringe to the pipe cleaner. 

Secure with a clip and set aside to dry. 

I used a knitting needle and made a hole in the center of a cork. Make sure you twist the needle in a bit to make the hole big enough for the pipe cleaner 

I then filled it with  glue and inserted the pipe cleaner in to the cork. 

Voila!!! All done . You have a tiny wool tree for your Nativity or to decorate around the house.

This was another idea to make your wool feather tree from 2 pieces of wool at the same time and this tree could have a candy cane look. :) 
I hope you enjoyed this little Holiday tip and have a good day

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Funky Flower Gardeners contest & update photos

So sorry I missed tea last night but I am here this morning with my coffee. I want to share some photos of trees from last Saturdays Wool Feather Tree Class @ Camp Wool.
The tiny pine-cones are just perfect

With the tan wool it really looks primitive but in an elegant way

more trees :)
I have one more tree class planned for this Saturday and they are so much fun. I also went the other day to change the display area @ Yankee Cross Stitch and here are some photos of that too. 

This is a huge wool feather tree that Erica made last year after  class, and Marlo has some of her beautiful painted Santas for sale there also, check them out they are gorgeous.

An Announcement 
Attention Funky Flower Gardeners!!!
(win 6 free charts)
I've been asked by Just Cross Stitch magazine to supply a design for their upcoming spring floral issue. Along with the design they are printing an interview and have asked for additional design photos for their article. So, for those of you who may have completed the garden layout for the 24 Funky Flowers I am offering a contest. Email me a photo of your finished Funky Flower Garden and I will choose the Funkiest Garden to be included in the issue, and award a prize to the winning gardener of 6 free charts. Here's the catch..... I need the photos by Saturday. As the deadline is upon me. Good luck.  I will look forward to seeing your pix. email me at stitchbythebay at g mail dot com.

I will be very busy for the next couple of days stitching but I want you to check back with me on Sunday afternoon and I will post some quick directions for you on how to make these tiny wool and cork trees

And one more thing I am adding the new design "White Birch Winter" to my Etsy shop but I am trying it out as a PDF file so you can receive it quickly just like the "Wool Feather Tree " and "Wool Clip-On Bird" directions. 
We will see how it goes. They should be available later this morning.
So have a wonderful couple of days and I am off to stitch, stitch, and more stitching

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

And the winners are ..........

The winners are .........Chris won the White Birch Winter chart and Debbie   won the Wool Feather Tree directions. Thank you so much for all of your comments I really enjoy hearing from you. I have a ton of errands to do today so I am off but I will post more this evening while I sit here with a nice cup of tea :)
Have a good day

Friday, December 07, 2012

Having 2 Free Giveaways :)-

I am going to have 2 free giveaways, 
The first one will be for the new cross stitch chart called "White Birch Winter"
 The second giveaway will be for the charted directions for the Wool Feather Tree's

I will have the drawing on 12/12/12. So just leave me a message that you would like to put your name in the hat and check back on 12/12/12 at 12 noon eastern time to see if you are one of the winners
This should be fun 

New Design " White Birch Winter"

I am so excited to share with you a photo of my new design called "White Birch Winter" I just love the deer in the snow and white birch trees remind me of living in NH. They are one of my favorite. I do not have directions done yet but they should be ready by Monday.
 I am on my way to Yankee Cross Stitch to set up the models that have been out in trunk shows and I will leave the model of this new one there too. Then tomorrow I have another wool Feather tree class at Camp Wool in Kennebunkport.
I hope you all received my newsletter last night because I have started then up again.
Have a wonderful day
and I will post again tomorrow night with the tiny cork tree's made with wool and pipe cleaners  These would look so cute in a Nativity scene. I will have more photo directions for you then.  

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Free Pear Pincushion directions are here :)))

I have the directions finished for you. Please make sure you read all of the directions before you make it, just want to make sure everything is understood first.
The cross stitch chart is not free but the finishing directions for the pincushion are. I also have them for you in a PDF format to print from home at the bottom of this post. So lets have fun and good luck. The cross stitch chart is available on my Etsy or your local cross stitch shop.

#1)  Cross stitch the design onto the fabric and make sure you leave enough room all around the design to trace the pattern and center your design onto. Cut out 2 pieces of fabric and pin the right sides facing. Stitch approx ¼ inch in from the edges with a matching thread and use the back stitch. There are many directions on line for these stitches and I also  have links on the side bar.  

I forgot to do that and had to take it all apart and start over.
 LEAVE ENOUGH SPACE OPEN AT THE BOTTOM TO TURN YOUR WORK RIGHT SIDE OUT .  I also used Fray Check to seal my edges because I did have to take it apart and start over. That made my edges fray. So I let that dry for a bit. If you do use Fray Check make sure that you only get it on the edges and that it does not run into the pincushion design . 
#2)  The next step is to stuff the pin cushion with fiberfill and then sew closed. I used a whip stitch over the top, secured my thread but did not cut the thread.

I then made a running stitch around the bottom and pulled to gather and make the bottom of the pin cushion more of a circle pear shape. After you are happy with the bottom, secure the thread and cut. 

#3) the next step is to draw the branches onto the pincushion. I did use a permanent marker but I suggest you use a marker that you can make it disappear with a light spray of water, just in case you are not happy with your layout. I used my cross stitch design as my reference. I made the branches go around the top and down one side, across the bottom, and I made more in the back of the pincushion. I then used a brown perle cotton with a couching stitch and outlined all of the branches. You do need a spot for inserting your needle into the pincushion so I used the top and bottom sections because these areas will be hidden later. 

#4) The next step will be the leaves. I cut a long strip of 1 inch wide wool and then cut it into 1 inch squares. See the photo for cutting directions. I always cut free hand up one side of the square and then around the other side.

I then attach then to where ever I think they will look good. I make a stitch in the bottom of each leaf to make a little pucker and then attach them to the pincushion. (DON’T FORGET YOU ARE RUNNING YOUR THREAD FROM THE TOP OR THE BOTTOM OF THE PINCUSHION)
I have provided photos for you of the front and back so you can see approx. placements. You can decide on your own about your placement because your branches will be in different places than mine.  

#5) The next step is to cut the pears. I once again used a 1 x 1 inch square and folded the square in ½ and cut around to make a pear shape. See photo for idea. I made 9 pears and gathered a stick from the yard. I broke the stick into small pieces for the top of the pears.

Using my hot glue gun I dabbed a tiny bit of glue on one side and held the wool around the stick. Set aside to dry. See photo

When making the larger leaves for the top of the pincushion or if you need larger leaves for the bottom, I cut a piece of wool 2 x 2 inches and cut it out the same way I did for the smaller leaves. With a larger stick I glued the leaf and stick together at one end only. This will be the top of your pear pincushion. 

#6) You are now ready to apply the small wool pears to the pincushion. I just made sure I was happy with the location I was going to place them in and then it is just a dab of hot glue and add them in place. They stick out and look so dimensional. You will be inserting the top of the pear: the stick and large leaf next   I just put plenty of hot glue in the center of the top of the pincushion and inserted the stick with the leaf. MAKE SURE YOU HOLD THIS DOWN INTO THE TOP AND SQUEEZE IT TOGETHER FOR A FEW MOMENTS. You want an indentation in the top like it was a real pear. 

You are ready to glue in onto a base. I used a small white urn that I purchased at a used store for a $1.00. What a deal :)))) I added some larger wool leaves around the bottom of the pear because it did not fit just right into the center of the urn, so I covered  up some spaces with the leaves. I hope you enjoy making this  pincushion and if you would like to share any photos of your finished pincushion please email me at stitchbythebay at g mail dot com  

Thank you 
Here is the link to the PDF for you. This one has the pear pincushion paper pattern 

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Finally Finished the pear pincushion

I worked most of the afternoon on the pincushion and it is finished. I took plenty of pictures and I will make the directions up tonight and have them ready for you tomorrow. These are FREE directions to make the pincushion but not the partridge. I wanted to give you an idea to make something else with your stitching other than framing it. I hope you like it.
Until tomorrow

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Great Class and PDF's on Etsy

some trees from the first class

some trees from the afternoon class
I had such a great time yesterday, I didn't expect the snow that we received. It was pretty slippery in the early morning and I slid right through a red light. It was scary for the moment but I made sure my speed limit on the way home was only 25 all the way. It was so crowded in Kennebunkport for their Christmas Prelude. They had a HAT parade, great craft fairs and caroling. I believe Santa arrived too. The gals in the 2 classes I had were great and they were so happy with their trees, they want to make more. LeAnn is booking more tree classes for next Saturday the 8th and also the 15th. So if you live close by please sign up because it is so much fun.
I have added the directions for the wool trees onto my Etsy shop. I have included the directions for an 8in, 12in, 18in, 24in, and a 36in tree in the packet. I have these in PDF format so you make them in time for Christmas. I also included the site that I purchase the tree stands from if you want to order them on your own,. I did order some and as soon as they come in I will add them to Etsy but they are not here yet.
Included in the class was the directions and a kit for the Little Clip-On Birds. I am offering the PDF directions on Etsy for these cute birds also. The source for the clips for the bottom of the birds is included in the chart too and I will be ordering more for myself and the Etsy shop this afternoon.
There are plenty of colored photos for you in the directions.
I am off to fix the partridge and the pear pincushion and to design a cardinal for the next "Bird Of A Funky Feather"
Have a great day