
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Trunk Show visiting Always In Stitches, Palm Beach Gardens, FL. for the month of July

Good Morning,

Just a quick note to tell you that a trunk show will be visiting Always in Stitches
3828 Northlake Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens, FL. for the month of July. So if you are in the area stop by and visit Carole and her staff. Make sure you sign up for the free raffle.

And on another note:

I spent most of the night planning the Funky Flower Garden Sampler plans. I will be designing 5 more flowers to make 12 vertical and 12 horizontal designs. This will make a total of 24 designs instead of 19.

I have made at least 9 different plans for laying out the flowers along with a few smaller motifs to fill in some areas.
I will put these together by next week and have them available on Etsy.

I will post a peek later today of my "Bumble Bee" design. Maybe I can have a contest for a name, because I just cant think right know. To many other things in there.

Talk to you later

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your trunk show.

    Looking forward to seeing more Funky Flowers! They are so pretty.
