
Thursday, June 03, 2010

What I've Been Up To

I am going to take a blogging and email break for next week. Just a little time to unwind and stitch up some of those Funky Flowers, and have some family bonding. Spent some of the day getting car repairs done and I tried to shop for cloths but it is not my thing. Maybe if I was in shape like I was when I was 17, it would be easier but for now it is the worst thing ever (not really I'm just being dramatic). I need to walk, maybe next week (definitely next week).

Well I have 19 funky flower designs made up and I might make 5 more. I am posting the grid that I made for the 19 flowers that I do have. On my side bar is a plain format for the flowers to be stitched as one big piece, and as I finish them and release them I will add a colored picture of it in each 3x5 space.
But for now I am inserting the first one to give you an idea. I just love the brightness of it.

Have a good night and I will post one more time before next week begins.



  1. Enjoy your break! I'm looking forward to seeing the Funky Flowers. :D

  2. Hope you have a relaxing break!

    The first Funky Flower is so pretty, and I love the idea of stitching them on one large piece of fabric!

  3. Hi Donna, I love this idea. Can't wait to see more. I also wanted you to know I just loved the little picture of your grandson with your glasses. Absolutely precious. Great picture! I always enjoy seeing what you are up to!

  4. should give one of these flowers as a freebie. Then maybe we'll have to buy them all!!!! I can't dream, can't I?
    I can't wait to see more of Halloween Cove, I just love that Holiday.
    Have a great day.

  5. I love all your new things! Keep 'em coming!

  6. I really like your first funky flower. I can't wait to see them all!

  7. Ooooh, that first funky flower looks so pretty! I love the blue colour.
    Enjoy your break. I've taken a bit of a break this past week and I've gotten a lot more stitching done.
