
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Playing With Santa

I opened the shop this week and I have some photos to share with you. Still trying to get them up. I did try the other day with photobucket and then something happened and the computer got a virus. So 3 days without it and $130.00 later I am being so careful about how I do searches.

I just edited this post because I am sooo happy. (OH I just did it. I added a page to my blog so just click on the link above that says to click on it to visit the shop. YEAH!)

I have a couple of photos to share with you of one of the Santa's that is in my new design called "Santa's Blessings" I worked him on 18ct over 2 (Natural linen). I did a few different stitches and finished him into a pocket. I just love to play with different stitches.
Have A Good Night


  1. Your photos of the shop are great. I wish so much that I could visit it! I hope things are going well with your new venture.
    Santa is awesome. I love the stitch you chose for his cap and beard.

  2. Love the Santa, Love the shop! Good Luck and have fun!

  3. Wow, your shop looks fantastic - a little far for a road trip, but I'm sure it's as beautiful as the pictures. Your Santa is way cute!!
