
Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Long Legged New Friend & A Fun Workshop

Yesterday was a "Be Creative Day" for me. So I got out some wool that I have been using for other things in the shop and made a very long legged Holiday bird.

I enjoyed making him so much and I have more ideas for him that I decided to give a workshop for this long legged creature. So if you live close by and would like to just hang out one of these Saturdays soon, just give me a call for a date and time. (Still working on my calendar)

Oh I also want to share a photo of my helper today. We had our grandson last night and today. He had fun at the shop, playing and helping. He made sure that everyone that came in knew were the candy dish was.

Have a good night


  1. Both your long-legged friend and your grandson are adorable! I bet your grandson was fun to have in the shop!

  2. The bird is really nice...the grandson, cute! Wish I did live close enough to take your Saturday workshop....

  3. Donna, love your long legged friend. He's so festive.

  4. I love the bird and would love to stop by one Saturday........but I am 375 +/- miles away. It would be a little more than a short drive!

  5. Oh drats!! I wished I lived close enough. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your bird. I'm partial to birds and collect them but I haven;t a felt one in my collection. Would you ever consider online class?

  6. What a sweet picture of you and your grandson!

    I love your long legged bird! You are so creative.

  7. What fun! I wish I lived closer and could take that workshop. Your little bird is adorable! And what a handsome little helper you had there too.

  8. I don't know how is cuter, your grandson or the bird! Sorry, but the commute from IL would be too long to make my own two-legged friend.

  9. Grandson is so cute !!! He is a big help !! I love that bird! I just received my ornament i purchased from your esty shop ! It is so cute !!! That you!! Please release a pattern for the bird!!! I would so purchase it !!

  10. A darling red birdie and his plaid wings are precious!
