
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy Wednesday

I want to tell you that I have 2 winners for my shop Holiday raffle. They are Gail & Debra. I have contacted them and gifts are going in the mail.

Hi everyone, I just want to say thank you for reading my blog. I do check out so many but do not always leave messages. I need to work harder on that.

I have been working on a chart for a New Years resolution. I hope you like it. I just have to frame it and then I will post a picture. I will be releasing it on my Etsy shop for January and then to the distibutors in February. I have also finished one called "Peony Hill" and 2 more Funky Flowers. Trying to stay busy to keep away those after Holiday blues.

Did I ever tell you that I love bags. Some people love shoes, otheres love hats, sun glasses, etc. But the cat and I love bags. My daughter Meagan bought me a nice big Vera Bradley bag and the cat has tried to claim it. HAHA!!

Meagan and our bag stealing cat "Bailey"
Have a good day


  1. We have two cats Karmal and Mittens who are both bag stealers. Doesn't matter what kind if its a bag and where they can reach it they are in it. Also they love boxes and we had a devil of a time wrapping presents with them around. I love your designs. Thank you for creating them.

  2. I love bags too, and our kitten does too! lol! It's fun when she goes to hide in a bag. Our kitten has claimed one of my VB bags for her own. :D Happy New Year!

  3. Congrats to the winners!

    Kitties and bags just go together!

  4. Love the photo of Bailey! My cat Clarisse only likes to climb into my stitching bags. I think she does it for attention when I'm otherwise absorbed in my stitching.
    Happy New Year Donna!

  5. Beautiful photos
    Best wishes for the New Year !!

  6. Donna, THANK YOU! I received my surprise when I got back to work yesterday! I love the cute reindeer ornament - so clever - and the selection of charts is great. I hope to make several for 2011 Christmas! Thank you again for drawing my name in your giveaway! Debra
