
Saturday, December 04, 2010

Holiday Open House & Sneak Peek

Good Morning everyone,
I have a photo to share with you of my winter scene.( The picture is a little dark) I am stitching like a mad woman on this to have it completed by this week. But this weekend the village is holding a Holiday Open House for all of the shops and a "Parade of Lights" this evening. So at the shop I have refreshments, and raffles. I am making out slips for everyone that bought something on my Etsy shop from November thru December 19th and including you in the raffle. There are 2 raffles with 5 Holiday charts in each along with a made by me Christmas decoration.
Well I am off to buy balloons. So here are some updated pictures and have a great weekend
(No funky flower Garden update this weekend. sorry)


  1. It is looking really nice..I am betting it will be finished on time. The shop looks so festive. A drawing too....good luck to me! have a great weekend....

  2. Winter Scene looks fantastic!! I know this one will be a must stitch for me.
    We are having our Parade of Lights and village open house this evening as well. For me this is the beginning of the Christmas season and I start to get into more of a festive mood. Have a great time!

  3. Winter Scene looks so fun - I can't wait to see the whole thing finished!
