
Monday, October 24, 2011

Spreading Some LOVE

I just had to share with you a photo of our rock collection. My husband and I go to the beach about 3 to 4 times a week and take a stroll. It is our quiet time to talk to God, just relax a little and think about what is really important in life. (Soul searching journeys). So as we stroll along the beach we always keep an eye out for sea glass and rocks that are shaped like "Hearts".  I say a quiet prayer and ask for signs. These are the rocks that we have collected and the larger ones are in the flower garden outside. 

 But yesterday morning my husband asked for a sign, and as we were walking I found what I thought was a rock that someone maybe painted or stenciled a heart on it. So I made my way to that little find, picked up that rock and guess what?? It is the rock itself. NO paint, No stencil, just formed by nature, so I am sharing the photo with you because it is so cool and I cant stop thinking about it. Just what we both needed and a little lift for the day. Hope you enjoyed it. 



  1. Oh boy...that certainly IS cool! :)

  2. Amazing what signs are there if we just look. I have to say, though, that in the tiny photo that shows up on blogger, I thought you were going to show us bird-shaped rocks. Loving hearts are even better!

  3. Oh Donna!! There is his Sign from God!! Tell him that I am praying for him. I hope is feeling better soon!

  4. What a fabulous collection! You guys have very sharp eyes. And your latest find is just amazing! Love is in the air at your place, for sure.

  5. AWESOME!!!! I get to the ocean once a year and collecting sea glass and great looking rocks are something we love to do too. It is so cathartic. Love your collection. What a beautiful thing.

  6. Thanks for sharing! Nature is amazing. I love your heart collection.

  7. What an amazing find!

  8. your charts are really lovely

  9. Anonymous5:07 PM

    My friend looked for rocks with a natural hole in them; she said they were very good luck and a sign of true friendhip when you gave them away. She could spot them a block away...I on the other hand would have to look and look.

  10. How amazing Donna! Your angels are with you both!

  11. I just love it when HE does something like that!!

  12. That is a neat rock.I collect heart rocks too..

  13. That last rock is so beautiful and amazing. I too have a heart shaped rock collection but nothing like that one.
    Glad that it made your day so special and thank you for sharing it with us.
