
Thursday, December 08, 2011

I messed up :(

Good afternoon to everyone. I want to say thank you for your comments, they really mean a lot to me. I do check out other blogs and try my best to answer emails but things have been very busy lately. My hubby has been going to the hospital everyday for the past 2 weeks for a treatment and it takes about 3-4 hours by the time we get back home and then he has another appointment every afternoon also that takes about an hour. They are still not sure what is exactly wrong with his system but are trying new things. So I have been driving and waiting and driving. But tomorrow should be the last day and I can get back to work.

I have April helping me with stitching.She finished one of the Funky Flowers over (1), and then I was picking the background over dyed color and stitching it myself. (April did a great job, it was just me choosing the wrong background color)

I thought this over dyed would look great but NO!!!
It looks horrible, you cant even see the pink dots, It looks like I dropped ashes on it. I DON'T LIKE IT!!
So I am stitching it again and changing a color or 2 to make it work and I chose another over dyed for the background.  That will teach me to be more careful with the background colors!! I will keep you updated on how it looks but I just hate it when it is finished and I don't like it :(

Funky Flower Patricia
 On another note I have 3 Funky Flowers ready to go to the printer.
Funky Flower Sisters Andrea & Heather

Patricia was suppose to have her sister with her "Veronica" but she is the one that needs a new background so Patricia is making her debut all alone.
I will have more things to share tomorrow as I am working on my new releases and I cant wait for "Winter Whites" with all of that wool!!!!!
OH!!, one more thing, I had a great time at Yankee Cross Stitch last Saturday. Our Wool Feather Tree class had 10 wonderful people and most of them finished the tree during the class. We have one more class scheduled for this Saturday at 1:30 if anyone is interested. Give Erica A Call @ 603-964-9434 to see if there are any spots left.

Off to put together directions for the new charts. Have a great day and it is getting cold here. Brrrr......


  1. I am so sorry for you Donna!! I am working away on the 0ther 2 designs!!! I think that The one with the dark blue background turned out so pretty!! and what is so bad about stitching over one.. It is so Hard to rip out if you need to replace..

  2. Love your new Funky Flowers, especially Patricia! Sorry that things didn't work out as planned on Veronica.

  3. Hang in there!

    LOVED LOVED LOVED the class on Saturday at YCS and looking forward to... YOU know! (tweet!)

