
Wednesday, May 02, 2012

I Am back

I missed everyone. I am back from Celebration of Needlework. I met so many wonderful people and I learned so much too. I always go with an open mind and look for the opportunity to help people whether it be with stitching or to encourage them to grow in their business. I loved everyone new that I met and of course meeting up with old friends is great. We had so much to catch up on. I brought my daughter Meagan with me and she was such a help. Always nice to have a little time away.  Some of the classes were not to full so we had a lot of one on one teaching time. Did I mention that I learned too? Yes, I did and I came home with so many more venues to teach at and more directions to follow.
But I did come home to a sick computer!! She had a virus and had to go to the computer docs. All fixed but I have many emails to answer and work to catch up on. So if you sent me a message I am sorry if I did not answer yet, I will get that done today. And hubby came home from the hospital last Tuesday so he had plenty of rest during the long weekend being home alone with the cats. (He so loves them)
Newsletters should be coming soon with more charts, and felted wool kits so keep your eye open.
Have a good day and I am glad to be back


  1. Glad you had a good time, and glad to see you back too Donna.
    It's good to hear hubby is doing ok too.

  2. We're glad you're back too! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. It sounds like you DH is recovering well too. The cats would be great company. They're very sensitive to that sort of thing.
