
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Part 3 of the Mystery SAL and update of photos

This is from Arcadia in France
From Meari 
From Annika in Sweden
This is from Char
From Anna, she is so creative in her photographs
From Cemavi in France
Thank you everyone for sharing all of your work, I am just catching up on my emails. I had a great time in Ocean City MD at Salty Yarns giving a class. I will post photos tomorrow and share more.  I had to bring hubby to the hospital yesterday and came home last night and then we had an earthquake. Just enough to shake the house and make us think that the furnace exploded and the house was rumbling but all is well.  I am sure you are waiting for the 3rd part of the SAL. I am sharing some of your work first
This is from Raffaella in the Dolomiti Mountains
This is part 1&2 from Amanda in Cornwall UK
 So here is part #3 -  click on the word SALPART3 to be directed to the location for the chart.
This is fun seeing all of your work, have a good night


  1. Everyone's stitching is so beautiful!

  2. Looking great...need to get busy. Thanks ..:)

  3. Looks Great, Thank You..:)

  4. they all so cute..well done to all xxx

  5. Just came upon your lovely blog from a link on someone elses. What a neat project you have going on. Hope there will be a winter themed one too?

  6. bonjour donna comment faire pour avoir les grilles ? je ne peut ps ouvrir depuis la france , pouvez vous m'envoyer le tout à mon adresse mail ? comme le mystery sampler gratuit ?merci beaucoup donna , je rends mon adresse bisous dianou
