
Thursday, January 31, 2013

a couple quick notes :)

Just a few quick notes for you and then I am off to get ready for LeAnns open house at Camp Wool in Kennebunk Maine :)
This is the crochet cotton I used for my hearts and a size D hook :) because some of you have asked

This a tiny peek of a new design that will have wool applique and cross stitching. I sent 3 flowers to April to stitch for me because you do not have to do applique if you do not want too so I am giving you the directions to stitch it also. She is stitching up a few of the flowers so I can finish them as tiny pillows 

This is a picture of one of the many roses that I made to add to my 36inch wool feather tree that I  made. I am going to Camp wool tomorrow and Saturday to demonstrate how to make them at her Open House. 

Do you see the tiny bird. He matches the tree!!

After this weekend I will post on line the free directions on how to make these cute little roses.


  1. I think your roses and the bird look beautiful in the tree! Thanks for offering free directions - I will keep a look out for them.

  2. lovely roses....I think I am needing to buy the tree pattern!

  3. Your wool creations are just beautiful.

  4. I am stitching away on the Flowers Donna !!! So Cute!! is all I will say !!!! I want to learn those roses too!!!
