
Thursday, May 08, 2014

Crochet update ....

I know  many of you are doing the Stitch A long but I thought I would post something I worked on last week. I do get tired of counting , checking charts, and making mistakes. Yes I made many on this Stitch A Long part #1. It was like something did not want me to do it but I am stubborn and would not give up :)
I had to FROG about 4 separate times for such a small area but keep in mind it was just me not paying attention. So my alternative when the sun goes down is to crochet. I free-formed this piece that I am using for a doily on my table in the studio. I just love all of the colors and no pattern to follow YEAH!!!
I used up my stash of pearl cotton.  Hope you are stitching better than I did on part #1
Oh and one more thing I TRIED to iron my Stitch A Long piece to photograph and show you but yes I sprayed to much water and it ran. Weeks Dye Works floss is colorfast now but my stash from long ago is not.  My white turned pink and I was not happy so I threw it away. Imagine this is the piece that I frogged 4 times, but my new stitched piece is just fine and I did not have to FROG anything (YET) !!
Just sharing my stitching adventures!!


  1. Beautiful crochet Donna! Such lovely colours too.

  2. Gorgeous colours in the crocheting - love it!

  3. OMG, I love your freeform crochet! Your eye for color is wonderful! OMG OMG! Gorgeous! (Sorry about your stitching frustrations.....)

  4. WOW Beautiful doily. Love your freeform crochet! Talk about a work of art. Love it!!!
    love Annette

  5. Looking so lovely x

  6. I know your frustration. I am not good at changing colors and I struggled with my project. I frogged many colors and tried a different one. I didn't throw it away and start over, but was tempted. Glad your 2nd attempt is going well. Stitch on!

  7. Love the doily. Such pretty colors.
    The first part of the SAL is coming along nicely.

  8. Love the colorful doily!!

  9. Lovely,looks beautiful

  10. Hi Donna love your crochet something that is so special

  11. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Your creation looks AMAZING. I’m a newbie at crotcheting, but I’ve already decided to get into Freeform more, after I become more experienced
