
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year

I want to wish all of you a Happy New Year. 

It's time to take down the tree (oh yes, I hate the clutter). I don't like to say that I'm glad to take down the tree, I'm not a scrooge but I need it to be simple. The older I get the more organized I need to be. 
I have a couple of pictures to share with you from Christmas, it is a pic of Bailey and Toby.

I really wish all Christmas gifts could be so cheap,  just a box for the cats and they are in paradise. I hear the stories of how in the old days all they had was a box to play with and they were so happy,  maybe it is true.

I have been rally busy with the "Serenity Harbor Sampler"; and all orders for shops went out today and so tomorrow by 10:00am the online charts should be in email boxes for the people that have signed up with me. 
Be safe tonight if you go out. We just ordered our Chinese food to be picked up and will be staying home this evening, no big parties for us, just relaxing by the TV.  Hope to find something good to watch. 
Talk to yo next year!


  1. Happy New Year Donna!
    All Christmas gets taken down tomorrow and put away but I love it out. It's very cheery to me.
    I joined the Serenity SAL with a Acorns and Threads. I am looking forward to starting. I have all the fibers and fabric. All I need is the pattern. :)

  2. Happy New Year!!!

  3. Hi Donna and Happy New Year. What sweet little fur babies. I love cats. I was wondering why I can't post on the Serenity Harbor Sampler Blog. I see others have, and I've tried, but can't. I would love to be able to be part of the group with the rest of the ladies. Thank you Donna.

  4. Thank you for the greetings. I hope the best for you for the new year. Bye

  5. happy New Year from Ashton House! Your tree looks lovely and the photos of your kitties are adorable. Kitties in boxes are a common sight around here. They can't seem to pass up a good empty box!

  6. Hi Donna. I hope you had a Happy New Year. I have been going through my emails and found the Serenity Harbour Sampler and am disappointed to have missed the deadline to sign up. Its a lovely sampler. For some time my computer was playing up and then died. Turns out I needed a new graphics card which I have now got and am in the process of going through my email inbox. Enjoy the group and I will be looking at the photos as they come up. Mirin
