
Friday, April 10, 2015

Having A Think Spring Giveaway

We are still having snow but that will not stop spring from coming because God says their is a season for all things and I now spring will come soon :)
So in celebration of all things flowers I am having a GIVEAWAY!!
I stitched up the words "Think Spring" but did not finish it in any form so I am going to give it away and you can finish as you please, and along with it I will include a "Think Spring" chart.

So just leave me a happy spring message and I will add your name to the hat for the drawing that will be on Sunday. 
Mark your calendars because starting April 15th until the end of the month I will have an Etsy SALE for all things FLOWERS. Still figuring out how to have a sale on only certain things and not the whole shop but as soon as I do it will be shared with you.
See past the clouds and the sun is shining up there, have a good day

"For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land."
Song of Solomon 2:11-12


  1. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I'm lucky - I'm in the CA desert and it's been spring here since early February. :) I hope that everyone else is warming up now!

    Karin in CA

  2. Well we have lovely flowers here, but you have to be willing to dodge the tornados. I did get to sit out and stitch yesterday. Stiiching daisies and blue birds.

  3. I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Just keep thinking that the snow has to melt eventually.


  4. Happy SPRING and daffodils and daisys!!!
    Thank for the give-away and I almost ordered the Think Spring chart today. Wishing you sunny and warm days soon!

  5. Happy Spring to you, there is hope we are going to the 70's this week YAY it;s 36 right now in Upstate NY. I started seeing buds coming out the ground today, we had a record breaking Winter and especially Feb. Please enter me in your awesome giveaway I love your writing on Happy Spring.

  6. Count me in for the giveaway please! I have just begun to clear out the garden beds. I see bits of green poking through the soil here in Wisconsin.

  7. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Sunshine & Flowers! Think Spring!
    The Redbud trees are blooming here in VA & are gorgeous! Lots of other 'buds' out there too.
    Please enter me in your drawing!

  8. Please add my name! Thinking Spring has been tough this year...winter just kept hanging on. I LOVE the Think Spring chart.

  9. Our snow is finally gone and they are promising warmer days to come - SOON! I think "Think Spring" would make a wonderful ornament to hang by the front door all winter so they you have a bit of hope every time you have to leave the house, out into the cold!!

  10. Spring on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Today I have been admiring the flowers of my garden. A break between cross stitch and other cross stitch. The beauty of spring makes us happier and our thoughts are more positive.
    Count me in for the giveaway, please!
    PilarĂ­n (Spain)

  11. Oh gosh, our spring is about over here in Texas. We have been in the 80's the past week. My red lion amaryllis are blooming their petals off!
    Sweet flower girl!

  12. Love the green you used for "Think Spring" and the letters are so elegant. Already have an idea of how I would finish it. :-) And the girl with the flowers on her head is so cheerful and makes me smile. Happy Spring to you!

  13. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I am having a hard time believing this winter will ever end. I do see some buds on my dogwood tree and I see some flowers popping up. But it is still cold here. I have been sick for a week. Happy Spring and I would love to be entered in your fun contest Thanks Pat

  14. Love Spring with all the colors, flowers and smells. Its great enjoying this after our black and white Winter

  15. Spring?! I think here in Arizona we went into Summer with a blink. Our garden is all in bloom and the hummingbirds visit with us all day. Even some baby quail have already been born in our neighborhood. Would love to be included in the draw.

  16. Oh my - I'd LOVE to win the "Think Spring" piece! Things are greening up here - finally - so I'm in the mood!!!
