
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

A Little Progress


I have a little of my stitching to show you, I started the Home Sweet Home SAL. The first thing I am doing is working on the border so I am sure I am centered, I took the main layout with the motifs and since the border is 2 rows it is easy to make sure I am stitching by 10's.

For every 10 stitches I came down and added a stitch to the second row, then I did 10 more stitches and on #10 I made a stitch on the second row again...this makes it really easy to count by 10's and line everything up with the grids....I will then finish the second row as I go along and I do not need to count by the borders for anything else..

I also loosely outlined the scene area with DMC 3371 and 1 strand, I will be taking this out as soon as I have a start in that section and I will not need the outline any more...I will add a sky to the rest of the Rosewood Manor scene...

That's it for today..... more tomorrow...maybe?  haha we will see how the day goes

Happy stitching everyone

