
Saturday, September 25, 2010

A New Cook In The Family

The Future Family Cook

Are You Talking To ME!!

We had a great time at my sons wedding. We had my grandson for the week and my mom was here to help out. Liam is only 4 and he already likes to cook. Maybe he has a future in it, if not as a cook he certainly has a future as a cutie. He is such a ham.

But I didn't get anything done at the shop so I made myself a promise I will open Saturday Oct 2ND. I am looking forward to my time at the shop.

And the cat was jealous the whole time Liam was here so I was going to share a photo with you of a new design but the cat decided she was more important and flopped on my stitching piece. I will have to share on another day. Have a good night!!


  1. Oh my goodness -- Liam is so cute!! What fun that he already likes to cook! Glad you had a good time at the wedding and all. Love how your cat has decided the attention needs to go to her. lol!

  2. What a cutie! It certainly looks like you were having fun together. When I visited my two granddaughters earlier this year we baked cookies and they loved it.
    I'm glad to hear that things went well at the wedding.
    I love the photo of Bailey too. It looks like she's pleading for attention!
