
Monday, September 13, 2010

What I painted for my notions.

This is another piece of furniture that we got at the antique store. It was a grayish blue and full of cobwebs but now it is all painted with trees and stained to look old. Just waiting for me to put nails in it and hang scissors, hoops, needles,etc.

This is a small sitting area to stay and stitch with me. The chairs are not soft and comfy but they serve their purpose. (I don't want you napping)

I have more pictures up on the walls but there are still a few on the floor. I will get there soon I hope. I wanted to open this weekend but my son is getting married (That is more important) so it will have to wait until a day next week. Still not sure which day yet.

Have a good night


  1. Your place is looking just lovely! Oh my, I just have to get there! Good luck with the opening -- and happy marriage day for your son!

  2. Oh Donna, the shop is coming together so nicely! I love that little sitting area. Wish that I lived closer so that I could join you there someday.
    Hope everything goes well on your son's special day!

  3. Your place is coming along nicely! I wish I lived close by !!
    Congrats to your son !!!

  4. Donna: I do wish I lived closer so I could come sit and stitch Ilove the sitting area.
    Congratulations on your new shop
    Good Luck.

  5. Your shop is very eye appealing! All of your pieces looks so pretty grouped together.

  6. Lovely progress -
    I'm sure it will be enjoyed by many :)
