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Monday, August 23, 2010

Working Can Be Fun?? Oh YES

Good morning
I am updating you with a few pictures. One is of the shop before we painted and the other is a pic of the green on the wall. Still have to do the white trim and them I can clean and start putting all of my treasures in the shop. I cant wait, I love to decorate and move things around(it will be always changing). I have so many ideas for classes, I just need the time to make the models.

And I have been stitching up a couple of new releases. I will share pics of those maybe by this weekend.

And yes we had to take a break and had a picnic in the park the other day and this is a photo of the view. It was a beautiful day. We shared our lunch with the ants! HAHA!!

Then we pulled over to take a few pictures of our friendly neighbors taking a stroll.

Off to paint some funky chairs and all that other stuff.

Have a good day, feels like fall here. Brrr

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Donna, I thought of you this weekend wondering what you were working on....I know you are busy. But it is the good kind of hard work...where you see what you are working on coming together. We have been painting and redoing our entire house. Almost done...I'm finally seeing all my work come together and it makes me happy. I know you will be too...once your work is complete.
    Have a blessed week.


About Me

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Hi everyone, my name is Donna. I just love stitching of all sorts, I also love antique, and book stores. I am married and I have 2 children, and 3 grandchildren :). My Christian faith is the foundation of my life, and has sustained me through the ups and downs of this journey. Keep spreading kindness so you can change the world. So glad you stopped by, leave me a message and I will stop by and visit you.

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Stitch An Inch Fall

Stitch An Inch Fall