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Funky Flower Page Updated bottom of the page

Layout #1 for all 24 Flowers

Layout #2 for 3 Flowers

Layout #3 for 12 Flowers

Layout #4 for 12 Flowers
Layout #5 for 12 Flowers

Welcome to my Funky Flower Page!

I would like to introduce you to Funky Flowers.
There will be 24 flowers in all.  
They all have the same stitch count of 42 X 70. 
If you stitch them on 14ct Aida
 or 28ct linen over (2) they will measure 3X5. 
That means that they will fit perfect in a 4X6 frame. 
So you can head on over to your local craft store 
and pick up a frame at a reasonable price. 
These are also a great size to teach someone just starting to stitch.

I have different layout diagrams above if would like to choose so you can 
plant your own  Funky Flower Garden.
With the purchase of at least 3 Funky Flowers 
 send me an email telling me and I will email them back to you.

email: stitchbythebay at aol dot com

 They are in PDF format.

Here is some helpful info on different stitch counts for the whole design

Funky Flower Garden Sampler Layout #1 for 24 Flowers

Stitch Count is 283 wide X 270 length

14ct aida or 28ct over 2 on linen        20.5 X 19.57

16ct aida or 32ct over 2 on linen        17.93 X 17.13

18ct aida  or 36ct over 2 on linen       15.94 X 15.22

28ct over 1                                          10.25 X 9.78

32ct over 1                                          8.97 X 8.56

36ct over 1                                          7.97 X 7.61    

40ct over 1                                          7.18 X 6.85

If you have any photos you would like to share of your progress on your garden
 please email them to me with a quick note
 and I will post them on the blog.
  If you have a blog or Instagram account I will connect your photos back to you. 
Here is a list of all 24 of the Funky Flowers.

Just a note that the stitch count for the Whole Garden is 283 x 270

 Veronica & Judith














Amy & Julie

Andrea & Heather




Laura & Jennifer

And More information on these flowers

Layout #6 for 6 Funky Flowers,
 4 horizontal and 2 vertical 
or turn it around
 and have it for
 4 vertical and 2 horizontal flowers.

About Me

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Hi everyone, my name is Donna. I just love stitching of all sorts, I also love antique, and book stores. I am married and I have 2 children, and 3 grandchildren :). My Christian faith is the foundation of my life, and has sustained me through the ups and downs of this journey. Keep spreading kindness so you can change the world. So glad you stopped by, leave me a message and I will stop by and visit you.

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