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Heritage Homestead 2016 SAL

Update 01/17/2017

Happy New Year to all of you
Just want to tell you that I have posted the design "Heritage Homestead" in the Etsy is available for a limited time...until July 2017
I have been stitching the center section again with everyone and here is my progress...

also the symbol for 730 has been changed for the whole design for the Etsy PDF file :)
all good !!

*Updated on 10/31/2016 
I just sent out the first sections and added to note the notice!!
Here is a copy of the note below
Thank you for joining and I am excited to start with you….I will post my progress on my blog and if you would me to post any for you please email me back also there is a Facebook Group also if you want to share there. In the meantime I have an “Important note!!”

I noticed that the symbols for DMC 3371 and DMC 730 are both squares….DMC 3771 is a full colored in dark square and one of its use is for tree trunks. DMC 730 is also a square but it is made up of lines…since these appear to be similar on the printed graph please note that if would be helpful for you to look at the colored computer image for any questions in the placement of these 2 colors when they are close together!! The tree branches and some of the leaf sections are hard to discern when glancing…you have to look closely, so that is why looking at the colored computer image will help. 
Thank you for joining


Hello to All My Needleart Enthusiasts

You are cordially invited to join us in stitching this year’s Stitch A Long (SAL)
Last years “Serenity Harbor” SAL participation passed our expectations by FAR!! What we hoped would approach 50 stitchers became a stitching family of 700 +

Yowza! What a Blessing it was, we owe a great thanks to all of last year’s Individual on-line stitchers. We also are in great appreciation to the many Stitching Shoppes that participated! (Many of whom organized SAL group stitching
 Get-togethers) what a great idea.
Having used the knowledge of last year’s SAL we have chosen to make a few adjustments that we hope will be welcomed by both individual (SAL) stitchers, as well as our Partner Shoppes.
This year’s project will be just a bit smaller and shorter, rather than last year’s 12 month cycle. This years (SAL) is a 3 month project with 3 design sections to be released. I have completed my model & end the project freebies. and the critiques from the few shops I’ve shared it with are that this particular project was "Designed For Such A Time As This”!
Design Description
This primitive design recalls our countries unity, foundation and forefathers. Our countries first president, founding father George Washington and his endeared wife Martha are centered in ovals as portraits of the early American times.  Between the counter balanced George & Martha portraits is a beautiful scene from their Mount Vernon Homestead. Overlooking the pristine Potomac River, long lush trees, old wooden fences and a noble stead prancing through lush greeneries.
For a final primitive Americana look I have stitched penny rug tabs to frame the designs outer borders.

Free Project Bonus Thank you & Facebook Group
We will again this year included a Free Bonus thank you in appreciation for your group participation. (We plan to once again use a Project Facebook Group to continue sharing ideas, variations, and to build on the many friendships made last year)
This SAL’s Free Bonus consists of the additional design phrase “In God We Trust”, along with George & Martha that have been printed individually onto cotton fabric.
I have a model of how I finished my preprinted George & Martha….. But you can finish them as you like, and use your imagination. George & Martha have each been printed onto cotton fabric and measure approx. 5 x 5 ¾ inches with an oval design of 3 ¼ x 2 ½ inches
At the end of the SAL I will mail these fabric pieces to you at no cost as long as your mailing address is in the US
Thank you gift for joining the SAL for 2016 
The cross stitch chart (not the finished piece) for 
"In God We Trust" 
 the cotton printed images of "George & Martha"

What I did with my Martha,
 Added some embroidery stitches to her image
 and then finished as a 3 dimensional wall hanging

I did the same for George as I did for Martha

Just a idea of what you can do with your printed images of our First Family :)

Schedule for the SAL
This program will start Nov 1st----- and will run for 3 months…… 
PDF’s will be emailed on Nov 1st, Dec 1st and the last section on Jan 1st 2017

Cost and what is needed to join

The cost for the SAL is $30.00 for the chart, this does not include fabric or fibers
I can send you a Paypal invoice for the $30.00 or I can bill you $10.00 every month for 3 months, you are also welcomed to mail me a check.

What I need from you 
Your Name:___________________________________
Your email address for correspondence and an email address for the PDF files._________________
How will you pay for this project:  Monthly with Paypal (email address please for Paypal), OR total cost up front through Paypal, OR by check._____________________________________________
Here is my email address so you can register for this year’s SAL..  stitchbythebay (at)
And if you would like to join with your local needle work shop please do. Have them get in touch with me so they can order the charts for you…..if you join with a shop you will receive a hard copy of the charted design every month and not the PDF file…..and the Thank you gifts will go out at the end of the SAL to the shop and they will distribute them to you 

Updated on 10/10/2016

A list of Participating Shops

Fabric, Fibers Needed ETC…..
When you sign up I will send you the PDF with all of the information regarding the fabric I used, different sizes and the fibers, along with the description of the fiber placements in case you want to change your colors.
This was designed with no quarter stitches so you are free to stitch over (1) and have no problem.

Since I have already stitched this design using all cross stitch and I have stitched George and Martha at least 3 times each I have decided to stitch this with you but I will be stitching on 18 count linen over 2 so it will be pretty big!!. I will also only be stitching the center section of Mount Vernon (the scene). I am excited to stitch different stitches instead of just cross stitch (since I already did it )

Also the penny rug tabs that I stitched with floss could also be made with actual woolen tabs. I will size the applique templates for 14ct Aida or 28ct linen, 16ct etc, etc......  so you will have this option for your design.

This design has a stitch count of: 284 x 100 and my model was stitched on 28ct Forest Mist by Wichelt Imports #76152.     ......... and  .......... 

I found out yesterday that Forest Mist from Wichelt has been discontinued.

Leave it up to me to pick something from my stash that I loved and it is no longer available…..this happens at the grocery store too. We find something we love…get used to it and then all of a sudden the store decides to no longer carry it….and when you get to the check out and they say “Did you find everything you were looking for?” ……I say no and they send me to another counter to fill out a bunch of paper work……its not worth it!!

I contacted Picture This Plus and spoke to Marilyn…..she was so helpful and we came up with a solution….a substitute would be “Pampas”…..Forest Mist was close to DMC 523 and 522…….and this substitute fabric looks great.

Yeah we found a solution and I think you will be pleased!!  Thank you Picture This Plus.

The rest of the information will be sent to you when you join!

I am excited to share this project with you.
Thank you so much for considering joining this year’s SAL
email address again: stitchbythebay (at)

 Updated 10/7/2106

This Design will be available for a limited time. So join for the SAL because.....
It will be RETIRED on July 1st 2017


  1. Wonderful Donna...we will be setting up an auto ship program here at Crazy Annie's Stitchin. This is a fabulous design and looking forward to it. If anyone is interested you can email me at Thx again for another wonderful series.

  2. OH MY IM SOOOOOOO excited!!! I soooooo loved Serenity Harbor and adore George & Martha and the history they have given us so THIS is going to be brilliant too. Thank you :)


About Me

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Hi everyone, my name is Donna. I just love stitching of all sorts, I also love antique, and book stores. I am married and I have 2 children, and 3 grandchildren :). My Christian faith is the foundation of my life, and has sustained me through the ups and downs of this journey. Keep spreading kindness so you can change the world. So glad you stopped by, leave me a message and I will stop by and visit you.

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