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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Working On My Free Bunny Pattern For 2010

Hi, I am busy working on my free bunny pattern for 2010.
I'm working on the chart today and it should be ready by Monday.
So check back for it and i am planning on stitching it with you. I plan on making a 3D ornament. I will post my progress, but first I have to finish the pattern and post it for you. Wish me luck. Just incase you never got the one for 2009 here is a link for it. 2009 bunny

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Strawberry Hill

I have been thinking a long time about "Strawberry Hill". I finally finished the design today. Already to be stitched. I just want to tea stain some 16ct Sandstone linen. Along with the chart I will give directions to make a 3D strawberry pincushion to hang with the design.,along with some green wool for the top. Its also been designed with a framing size of 5 X 7. It just makes framing so much easier when you have more to choose from. And yes I did start stitching "Halloween Cove" , but I'm not sure if i like the fabric yet. Still time to change my mind.
Sorry no pictures yet but you will have to use your imagination.
Have a good night

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Old Sea Captains House

Here is the final picture of my model. And a snapshot of my backyard. To bad i didn't get there earlier because there was more snow on the trees, its already melting.
I have to glue pictures and bag charts and do some stitching on Halloween Cove. Have a good night

One more peek

Here is one more peek of "Old Sea Captains House"
I will post the finished picture later today.
But I have to go out and shovel our glorious snow for now.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sneak Peek Of Old Sea Captains House

Here is the first peek. Sorry the colors are off.I cant take good pictures at night.

Update #2 for Market

Just a note to tell everyone that is attending The Nashville Needlework Market that my 3 models of "The Tidal River....." series will be going with Picture This Plus.
So if you would like to see them please visit the room for "Picture This Plus". I hope you all have a great time.


Hi everyone, I finished a couple of weeks ago a new design "Halloween Cove". I'm searching for the right fabric and then will stitch up the model. I think its strange to think of Halloween when spring is just around the corner but I figured by the time I finished stitching the model, make directions and charts it might be close to early summer for a release. And of course you need time to stitch it for fall. So my heads been jumping around as usual. And I was thinking of a "Strawberry Hill" I get so excited when I can design them. Well I have to go and pay some bills but I will release a peek of "Old Sea Captains House" a little later. Thats one is finished also.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Old South Church Going To Market

Hi everyone. I just wanted to thank you for leaving comments on my blog. I am sorry that I haven't had a chance to reply yet but I will this weekend. I finished the second in my series. This one is called "Old South Church"
Here are some photos to share. I just picked them up today from the printer and will mail them out to the distributor and the charts will go to the Nashville Needlework Market without me. I cant wait for the day I can go to. It will be so exciting. But my hubby still is not well enough so I will be home designing more things and stitching away making models.
Have a good night.

About Me

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Hi everyone, my name is Donna. I just love stitching of all sorts, I also love antique, and book stores. I am married and I have 2 children, and 3 grandchildren :). My Christian faith is the foundation of my life, and has sustained me through the ups and downs of this journey. Keep spreading kindness so you can change the world. So glad you stopped by, leave me a message and I will stop by and visit you.

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Stitch An Inch Fall

Stitch An Inch Fall