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Saturday, September 25, 2010

A New Cook In The Family

The Future Family Cook

Are You Talking To ME!!

We had a great time at my sons wedding. We had my grandson for the week and my mom was here to help out. Liam is only 4 and he already likes to cook. Maybe he has a future in it, if not as a cook he certainly has a future as a cutie. He is such a ham.

But I didn't get anything done at the shop so I made myself a promise I will open Saturday Oct 2ND. I am looking forward to my time at the shop.

And the cat was jealous the whole time Liam was here so I was going to share a photo with you of a new design but the cat decided she was more important and flopped on my stitching piece. I will have to share on another day. Have a good night!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

What I painted for my notions.

This is another piece of furniture that we got at the antique store. It was a grayish blue and full of cobwebs but now it is all painted with trees and stained to look old. Just waiting for me to put nails in it and hang scissors, hoops, needles,etc.

This is a small sitting area to stay and stitch with me. The chairs are not soft and comfy but they serve their purpose. (I don't want you napping)

I have more pictures up on the walls but there are still a few on the floor. I will get there soon I hope. I wanted to open this weekend but my son is getting married (That is more important) so it will have to wait until a day next week. Still not sure which day yet.

Have a good night

The Walls Are Not That Bright (REALLY)

Good morning everyone
I have a few pictures to share of the shop. These are pictures of before I worked yesterday so I will have more up to date pictures tonight.(What a mess) It was fun hanging models but it took sooooo long. I didn't want to make to many holes in the walls. I also painted some more furniture.
Have a good day and I will post more photos this evening

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Peek @ 2 new designs. Finished and framed

Autumn's Abundance

What a beautiful day it was here. Spent time @ the shop washing floors, laying down rugs, putting wire shelves together, and putting up curtains. I also finished this morning ironing and pinning the two new designs and framing. Did you know that is so hard to take a picture of something that is behind a glass frame. It was so hard, I had to get rid of so many pictures because there was reflection in the glass. But I got one that I liked, yeah!!.

I also took a few pictures of how I framed Funky Flower Jessica.

I just picked up a quick and easy frame from the children's sections at Joanne Fabric and I got some matching paint. I painted the top of the frame a purple color and let it dry.

Then I used some crackle product that I had at home and applied it on top of the purple and then applied the white paint. I always rush it along by using my blow dryer and watching it crackle. (Just like a kid).

And voila!! The finished frame. It was quick and not to expensive. $1.99 for the frame and then the cost of the paint. It was easy too because I have made the Funky Flowers so that they fit into a 4X6 frame if you stitch them on 14ct Aida or 28ct linen over 2.

Have a good night

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Finishing Chairs For The Shop

I spent time yesterday finishing chairs that we got at an antique shop. There were 5 of them with a matching table. Just a couple of shots to share. Going to the shop tomorrow to seal them and wash the floors so we can lay down the rugs. More pictures then. Have a good night

Monday, September 06, 2010

i just have to share a pic of all the flowers

i have been very busy and have nothing completed. just a lot of things started. takes time and patience but i needed to share something with you so here are all 24 funky flowers on the sidebar. one is all of them on white and the other is all of them on black. i am stitching all 24 on 18ct white aida cloth and all 24 on black 25ct linen over 1. i just finished another funky flower but i am taking pictures of how i finished the frame so as soon as i am finished that i will share it. have a good night. donna

About Me

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Hi everyone, my name is Donna. I just love stitching of all sorts, I also love antique, and book stores. I am married and I have 2 children, and 3 grandchildren :). My Christian faith is the foundation of my life, and has sustained me through the ups and downs of this journey. Keep spreading kindness so you can change the world. So glad you stopped by, leave me a message and I will stop by and visit you.

Blog Archive

Nantucket Village Series #1-5

Stitch An Inch Winter

Stitch An Inch Winter

Stitch An Inch Fall

Stitch An Inch Fall

Stitch An Inch Spring

Stitch An Inch Spring

Stitch An Inch Sumer Pack #1

Stitch An Inch Sumer Pack #1

Stitch An Inch Summer Pack #2

Stitch An Inch Summer Pack #2

Tidal Rivers 1, 2, 3