Oh it is chilly here !! or maybe it is just me, I think I need to put some socks on. I have been working so much to get orders out and make Holiday deadlines. Had to bring hubby back to the hospital yesterday and we are not sure if he will be home for Thanksgiving he has to try a different form of a blood transfusion. So we will give thanks and pray more. My son is 31 and has a family of his own and we have to share Holidays with my daughter in-laws side of the family and my daughter is 19 and now we have to share with her new boyfriends family too. So if hubby is still in the hospital it looks like it will be just my mom and I for Thanksgiving and the 2 cats. We will see my son on the weekend for our Thanksgiving and who knows what time my daughter will be home Thursday, so mom and I will be doing some knitting and stitching, watching TV, eating turkey and pork pie and just relaxing and maybe if hubby is good we will visit him, haha!!
I hope you all spend sometime with your family and if you do not have family I hope you have some good friends. I am still cleaning and I need to make that grocery list and go to the laundromat but I just wanted you to know that I am still working on the pear pincushion and I should have in finished in a couple days maybe even on Thanksgiving. That would be a treat, I will pdf the directions for you too.
While I was cleaning I found a draw that contained some frames that were made just for my Funky Flowers if they are stitched over 1 on 28ct linen so I added them to my
Etsy shop. Take a look they are so cute and would make a great Christmas gift
have a good night and I am going to find those socks
These are the small frames