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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

A Little Progress


I have a little of my stitching to show you, I started the Home Sweet Home SAL. The first thing I am doing is working on the border so I am sure I am centered, I took the main layout with the motifs and since the border is 2 rows it is easy to make sure I am stitching by 10's.

For every 10 stitches I came down and added a stitch to the second row, then I did 10 more stitches and on #10 I made a stitch on the second row again...this makes it really easy to count by 10's and line everything up with the grids....I will then finish the second row as I go along and I do not need to count by the borders for anything else..

I also loosely outlined the scene area with DMC 3371 and 1 strand, I will be taking this out as soon as I have a start in that section and I will not need the outline any more...I will add a sky to the rest of the Rosewood Manor scene...

That's it for today..... more tomorrow...maybe?  haha we will see how the day goes

Happy stitching everyone




Monday, November 08, 2021

Winter Mitten coming soon


This little cross stitch pattern measures 4 x 4 
Stitch count is 50 x 50 and it was stitched on 25ct Victorian Red from Wichelt Imports
I have been looking for a deep dark red cross stitch fabric 
and finally found's been a couple of years...and I LOVE it!!
I finished it with some deep red ticking fabric I have, 
Made it into a hanging pocket for some Pine Needles and/or red berries.
I wanted to add some needles but I could find them 
before I needed to take the fake berries it was!! haha
"Winter Mitten" will be coming soon to a needle shop.
Have a great day tomorrow(Tuesday)

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Thankful for you Turkey Chart

 I am Thankful for You !!

Every Season and Day Is for Thanks
 but Autumn time is Special to give thanks for our harvest,
and all of our Blessings

I have updated the chart to have black and white symbols and also a color version.
Stitch Away and Be Thankful

Monday, November 01, 2021

How to finish a Cross Stitch Design around a canvas block

 Happy Monday to everyone!!

I promised last night that I would show you how I finished 

the Wreath designs around the 4 x 4 canvas block...and here goes!!

1) First I purchased these 4 x 4 canvas blocks from Michaels 

2) and then I purchased double sided rug tape from Amazon
(EZlifego Double Sided Tape Heavy Duty)

3) I cut 2 strips a little less than 4 inches and
 placed one down on one side and then another on the opposite side.

4)  I then took the top protective film off each of the opposite strips and
 then laid the fabric over the covered canvas side (Right Side Up) and made sure it was centered,
I pulled up one side of the fabric and lightly pressed it down and then the other side also.
NEXT Check to make sure it is aligned straight and adjust as necessary, then press down firmly.

5) I then proceeded to do the same to the other 2 sides of the canvas block with the fabric.

6) I then pulled the overlapping edges and 
pinned them in place, 
pull tight to make them taunt and as flat as you can. 
Like wrapping a present ☺

7) Then proceed to stitch these down with a matching thread.
Please note you might have to take a precaution and use a thimble
 because the fabric has been pressed down onto a sticky surface 
and the needle will need an extra push to glide.

8) Do the same for all 4 edges

9) Next will be some lacing, I should have had a 
larger piece of fabric for the design to finish it easier, 
but I did not so I made adjustments along the way.

10) I laced the other side also (the opposite direction),
 not the neatest 
but no one will ever see it but you and I!!

11) I cut a piece of wool 4 x 4 that I had from Weeks Dye Works
laid it on top and whip stitched it down around the outer edges.
You can display these blocks as stand alone
 or you can add a hanger to the back and display on a wall or door.

All Done!!
Have fun creating

About Me

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Hi everyone, my name is Donna. I just love stitching of all sorts, I also love antique, and book stores. I am married and I have 2 children, and 3 grandchildren :). My Christian faith is the foundation of my life, and has sustained me through the ups and downs of this journey. Keep spreading kindness so you can change the world. So glad you stopped by, leave me a message and I will stop by and visit you.

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