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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Peek @ New Funky Flower and BEE KIND

Good morning,
I spent most of yesterday moving the shop around. Moving the Christmas section and the floss wall.
I plan on having some needlepoint in the shop some time in February, so I have to plan my space carefully because there's not much of it.
I have a peek of a new funky flower and my new BEE KIND.
I figure everyone is making New Year resolutions and this is one of the best ones anyone could make. To just think before you speak or act and make sure it is in a kind manor. I think people need to be reminded that what they say to someone has a profound effect on them so lets make sure it is something that is helpful and not hurtful. That is my resolution and also to SLOW DOWN. Enjoy the moments and the journey because as they pass they don't come back around.
I am off to have breakfast, do a little shop talk and work on those BEE KIND directions.
Have a great day

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy Wednesday

I want to tell you that I have 2 winners for my shop Holiday raffle. They are Gail & Debra. I have contacted them and gifts are going in the mail.

Hi everyone, I just want to say thank you for reading my blog. I do check out so many but do not always leave messages. I need to work harder on that.

I have been working on a chart for a New Years resolution. I hope you like it. I just have to frame it and then I will post a picture. I will be releasing it on my Etsy shop for January and then to the distibutors in February. I have also finished one called "Peony Hill" and 2 more Funky Flowers. Trying to stay busy to keep away those after Holiday blues.

Did I ever tell you that I love bags. Some people love shoes, otheres love hats, sun glasses, etc. But the cat and I love bags. My daughter Meagan bought me a nice big Vera Bradley bag and the cat has tried to claim it. HAHA!!

Meagan and our bag stealing cat "Bailey"
Have a good day

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people, For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10, 11

Happy Christmas to everyone and have a great day
love donna

Friday, December 10, 2010

A Winner & A BIG Thank You

The name I choose is "New England Winter". So simple but I thought it went well with the scene.

The winner is Catherine. So Catherine if you would email to me your mailing address I will get that out to you as soon as it is printed.
And I want to thank everyone that gave me suggestions and for all of those prayers for my husband.
He is coming home today and they will do treatments as an outpatient. I think we are on the right track. I am so grateful for all of you and your thoughts.
I also have Funky Flower Eva that will be released soon.
I am off to do soooo many errands and then pick my husband and to work.
Have a great day
thank you again

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Contest for A Name Please

Here is my picture of the winter scene that needs a name.(Didnt Have Time To Frame It Yet)
The first person to send me the name that I use will receive the chart for the design free. So get your thinking caps on and be quick.

On a more serious :( note, I believe in the power of prayer and my husband needs some. He has been in the hospital since Nov 28 and they are not sure what to do for him so they are sending him tomorrow to another hospital. They think he might need part of his underlying facial skin removed. Infections that wont stop plus other complications. So if you remember him in a prayer I would so appreciate it and so would he. Thank you

Etsy Update & The Holiday Christmas Parade

Oh my it is so cold here and across the country. Brrr! I have a few pictures to share of the other night when the parade was going by.
Santa Came To Town

Christmas Lights At The Shop

My Potty Chair With A Festive Christmas Tree

I also have an update on the Merry Christmas Kits. I have 5 left and I posted 3 on my Etsy and a couple more of the poinsettia wool pins that I made.
I am almost finished stitching my new winter scene. I will post a picture of it tonight and get your thinking caps on for a name.
I am going to give the first person that gives me the deciding name a free chart of the design.
Talk to you again tonight

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Holiday Open House & Sneak Peek

Good Morning everyone,
I have a photo to share with you of my winter scene.( The picture is a little dark) I am stitching like a mad woman on this to have it completed by this week. But this weekend the village is holding a Holiday Open House for all of the shops and a "Parade of Lights" this evening. So at the shop I have refreshments, and raffles. I am making out slips for everyone that bought something on my Etsy shop from November thru December 19th and including you in the raffle. There are 2 raffles with 5 Holiday charts in each along with a made by me Christmas decoration.
Well I am off to buy balloons. So here are some updated pictures and have a great weekend
(No funky flower Garden update this weekend. sorry)

About Me

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Hi everyone, my name is Donna. I just love stitching of all sorts, I also love antique, and book stores. I am married and I have 2 children, and 3 grandchildren :). My Christian faith is the foundation of my life, and has sustained me through the ups and downs of this journey. Keep spreading kindness so you can change the world. So glad you stopped by, leave me a message and I will stop by and visit you.

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Stitch An Inch Fall