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Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Contest for A Name Please

Here is my picture of the winter scene that needs a name.(Didnt Have Time To Frame It Yet)
The first person to send me the name that I use will receive the chart for the design free. So get your thinking caps on and be quick.

On a more serious :( note, I believe in the power of prayer and my husband needs some. He has been in the hospital since Nov 28 and they are not sure what to do for him so they are sending him tomorrow to another hospital. They think he might need part of his underlying facial skin removed. Infections that wont stop plus other complications. So if you remember him in a prayer I would so appreciate it and so would he. Thank you


  1. "What a beautiful sight" for the chart name.

    (((Donna & husband))) I hope he heals soon & completely!

  2. Anonymous6:08 PM

    J'espère que tout se passera bien pour votre mari et je lui souhaite une guérison rapide.

  3. Sleigh Ride to the Coast

    Prayers for your husband are coming his way!

    Keep healthy thoughts!

  4. Winter Wonderland for the new design. Love it! More prayers for your husband.

  5. Prayers for you husband. I will add him to my prayer list. I too believe in the power of prayer. I have seen what it can do first hand.

    Beautiful design and the first thing that sprang to mind was "....One Horse Open Sleigh."

  6. Love in Winter! I love this new design.

    Prayers for your husband's health and for your strength also. Thanks for sharing your love of cross stitch designing with us.

    pam in iowa

  7. Hello,

    I love the new design.

    Here are two thoughts;

    Bay Side Sleigh Ride or

    By the Bay Sleigh Ride.

    Thank you and best wishes.


  8. I hope your husband finds good health and soon! My thoughts go out to you and yours at this time...

    As to the design: "Dashing through the snow" ~ a bit cliche? maybe, but it almost looks like they are dashing...

  9. My contribution-
    Sleigh Ride By The Bay
    LISA V

  10. Keeping you and your hubby in my prayers.

    I love your new design! It definitely should be called "Sleigh Ride"!!

  11. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Beautiful design!

    "Bells By The Bay"


    dollfinii @

  12. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Forgot to add - your husband and your family will be in my prayers!


  13. The first thing that came to my mind when I saw it was "Down The Snowy Lane" or "Snowy Lane By The Bay"

    Thoughts and prayers for your DH

    Lisa S

  14. OK this might be kind of corny but..."Beigh Ride."
    OR...."To Grandmother's House."

    My thoughts and prayers are with your husband AND your family at this time. Our God gives peace and healing that passes all understanding!

  15. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time.

    My first thought when looking at your design was "New England Winter".

  16. I thought "one horse open sleigh" too but I think "winter travels" or snowflake village would be appropriate.

  17. When I saw the design I thougt.."Dashing by the Bay".. You will have many ideas to chose from though~~

    Will keep your husband in my prayers Donna. May they soon diagnose his condition and offer a helpful treatment!

    Always, Faye

  18. Heartfelt prayers to you and your husband.

    My title would be "dashing through the snow"

  19. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Winter Village
    or Sleigh Bells by the Sea

    Love the design!!!

  20. Over the river and through the woods!

    Keeping your husband and family in our prayers !!
    Susan LaFave

  21. Keeping your husband in my prayers. I do believe in the power of prayer.

    I have thought of 2 titles:

    New England Christmas Village
    Seaside Christmas Village

  22. Christmas Tides!

    Praying for your husband. Joan

  23. Strong prayers coming your way for your Husband, Donna. Mine just came home from the hospital.

    My title suggestion is "Christmas By the Bay"

    Barb in Syracuse

  24. My first thought was "Merry Village By The Bay". Sending good thoughts and prayers for your husband.

  25. Ohh!! I love this design. How about "Coastal Christmas". or "Downeast Christmas?"
    Prayers for your Husband. Hang in there, I hope things are going well.
    Happy Holidays,

  26. "A Sleigh by the Bay" or
    "The Sleigh by the Bay" or
    "A One Horse Open Sleigh"

    What a beautiful design!

    So sorry about your husband. I hope he gets better real soon.



  27. I love all of the suggestions so far and I've come up with one of my own.... Coventry Cove or Holiday Cove. It reminds me of a Dickens village. I can't wait to stitch it!!
    I'll keep your husband in my thoughts and prayers Donna as well as yourself.

  28. I believe in the power of prayer, even over long distances :) Prayers comin' at you from the Washington DC area for healing and for knowledgable hospital staff :)

    My suggestion for your wonderful picture is "Crisp Commute" or " "Out Joy Riding".
    nsue21702 at gmail dot com

  29. I will keep your husband in my prayers.
    All I could think of, since it had a lantern & Dark clouds was : Twilight Snow Ride!

  30. How about "Frozen in Time"?

  31. Sleigh Ride through Vermont


  32. Sleigh Bells Ring....

    Your husband is in my prayers.

  33. Design Name: Over the River and through the woods...

    Praying for your husband.

    Jaunice Minor

  34. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Love the new chart. I always have wanted to take a sleigh ride like this but I don't have the sleigh or the horse. Of course living in Iowa I have more snow than I want.
    I think the chart needs an easy name, not to long but kind of catchy. My suggestion is "Winter Frolick" or "Dashing around the Bay".

  35. Hillside Holiday...

    And many good thoughts for a speedy recovery.

  36. Donna, I'm sorry to hear about your husband. I just said a prayer for him and hope he improves quickly.

    For the chart, how about "Sleigh Bell Harbor", or "Glad Tidings Cove".

  37. Landscape in White, that is the name I choose for this lovely embroidery!
    I will light a candle and pray for your husband, wish you both strenght!

  38. My suggestion would be "Sleigh Ride through Winter Cove". It it such a lovely design! I would love to stitch it! :o)

    I will send a healing angel to your husband - so that he can surround your husband in healing energies...

    Hugs, Cathi

  39. Bayside Holiday sounds fun :)

    Prayers to your family !!!!

  40. There are already some wonderful names. I also thought of "Snow Day On the Bay".

    Prayers to your husband!

  41. This is so pretty! My title suggestion is Wonderland By the Bay.

    My thoughts are with you and your husband.

  42. Any update on your Husband? Hope he is doing better.
    I have a habit of not posting that I am praying for someone but just know that many of us have him in our prayers.

  43. I hope you get some answers regarding your husband! I'm sure this is a trying time.

    What about "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year"?

  44. So sorry about your husband...I'll be keeping him in my thoughts and prayers.

    Even though there are so many clever titles offered, I'll give a feeble attempt..."A Bay Holiday" or "Christmas at the Cove"

  45. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Winter at By the Bay

    Your husband is in my prayers. I love this winter scene. Beautiful!!

  46. "Holiday Hill" is my suggestion.

    Prayers for your hubby and for you!

  47. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Prayers are on the way for your husband.

    My sugggested title is: Winter By the Bay.

  48. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Sorry to hear about your husband. I will keep you both in my prayers.

    I thought of "A Winter Morn By The Bay" or "Christmas Morning By The Bay". Good Luck on choosing a name for such a beautiful design.

    Sherry Tanner

  49. Anonymous11:17 AM

    What's about


    I am sure you will find a nice name for this lovely picture.


  50. 'Winter on Blueberry Hill'

    I'll be praying for him, too!

  51. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Prayers for your husband's swift recovery and to be home soon. My thought for a name was "Dashing Through the Winter Snow"

  52. Prayers for your husband's swift recovery and to be home soon. My thought for a name was"Dashing Through the Winter Snow. Best Wishes for yourself Lynda

  53. My vote is for "A Frosty Welcome" or "A trip down frosty lane". Love the new design!!! My thoughts are with you and your husband. I hope he is feeling better soon and that the new hospital will be better equipped to help him. Please keep us posted on his health.

  54. Karen K.4:19 PM

    I think you should call your new piece of art work, "Yule Tide Cove"

    I will keep your husband in my prayers. Believe in the power of faith!

  55. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Prayers and strength to you and your husband!

    My title suggestion is:

    Giddy Up, Let's Go!

    snowslippers @

  56. "...when the sky sprinkled white stars"
    Tonight it will snow again, so I have to go out early in the morning and shovel the snow.
    I hope they can help your husband at the other hospital. Best wishes from Germany!

  57. What a beautiful design, Donna. I think any of the suggested names would be great and honestly, can't come up with a different one.

    Just want to send you more prayers for your husband, you, and his doctors... Please keep us posted on his condition.

  58. I love this design! And I'm praying for your husband and you. Now for my ideas...
    Sleight Ride Silent Night
    Hurrying Home for the Holidays
    Cutter Christmas or Christmas Cutter

  59. "Sleigh Bells Ring by the Seaside"

    prayers being said on behalf of your husband. May God bless him, keep him and heal him.

  60. Cove Winter Scene or Bayside Winter Scene simple names for a beautiful design

  61. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Winter at Village By The Bay
    Winter Time at Village By The Bay.

    This hopefully woud lead to designs for the other seasons.
    Best wishes to all for the Holidays
    soon to be here!!!
    J. Davis

  62. Love this Donna. It is "Christmas in New England". Wish I were there! - just love Maine.

  63. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Hey Donna...what a wonderful design...the only thing that comes to my mind is I want it now! LOL

    Sorry to hear about your husband...lots of love and prayers coming your way. Meagan =)

  64. Donna, sympathies with you and your loved one at this time.

    possible name...Winter Lovin'

  65. "Winter Esplanade" my suggestion for this beautiful design. Esplanade reminded me of a place on an Island I grew up except we never get snow..I have since moved to the city.

    You have my thoughts and prayers for your DH and a speedy recovery. Take care and hugs.

  66. astitchersheirlooms.blogspot.com5:23 PM

    Donna, My prayers are with you and your husband for the doctors to heal him, and to encourage and support both of you.

    I love your beautiful winter scene with all of the New England Houses nestled on the hillside, and the sleigh racing through the snow below. The name I have thought of for the design is: Sleighbells in the Snow"

  67. Seaside Sleigh Ride as a name for your chart. I hope that the doctors find out whats wrong with your husband and cure it. Thoughts are going out for your husband and yourself. Have a healing and healthy new year.


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Hi everyone, my name is Donna. I just love stitching of all sorts, I also love antique, and book stores. I am married and I have 2 children, and 3 grandchildren :). My Christian faith is the foundation of my life, and has sustained me through the ups and downs of this journey. Keep spreading kindness so you can change the world. So glad you stopped by, leave me a message and I will stop by and visit you.

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