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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sign Up For Stumpwork Sampler Class

Good morning everyone, I have a class that I would like to offer to you. I am so excited about it. 
Sign Up For Stumpwork Sampler Class 

I am proud to offer this class to you. This will be a reproduction of my earlier Stumpwork Sampler Class that I taught at a local shop 10 years ago. I have had so many inquiries about when I would teach it again that I decided to offer it as an on-line course.
In this class you will learn many different stitches and techniques that you will need to complete these motifs for each letter of the alphabet.
With these techniques you will be able to make many more stumpwork motifs to create framed pieces, needle books, decorated boxes, and so much more that the possibilities are endless. We will be working on 2 letters per month, with a monthly mailing of the fibers, and other necessities.
Since it has been 10 years since the original was designed there will be a change in the fibers used. I will keep most of the motifs the same but a few will change. I will be working on a sampler with you to make sure nothing is missed in the directions.
You will have access to a blog that I have created especially for classes.
You must register for a blogger account to have access to the class. You don’t have to have an active blog but just be a registered user. You will be the only students allowed to have access to the blog. This is were we will share our progress, ask questions, view videos, get links to other sites with stumpwork samples and make friends. You will have access to add posts and pics as long as the class is active. I will also add your blog address to the side bar so you can make friends with the others in the class.
There will be a $100.00 deposit, nonrefundable.
 This is to cover the cost of the large piece of fabric, various needles, a binder, separators, stitch diagrams, directions for grid placement, and the shipping.
Class will start on the 15th of every month. 
You will be billed through Paypal on the 20th of the month for the next months kit.
Kits will be mailed on the 1st – these kits will include fibers, and various necessities to complete the next 2     letters.
Course will start 11/15/2012
Deposit: $100.00
Payments $55.00 per month or $60.00 if out of the USA
Total Cost $815.00
Course length: 13 months
Limited time to enroll: Oct 10th 2012

I hope you will consider joining me on this adventure of learning stumpwork. I have spent so much time preparing for this and this is a layout of the class process. I have a PAGE listed above on the blog. It is called "Stumpwork Sampler Class Signup". If you click on the above page you will be directed to the Paypal button for the deposit. .I also have some photos of the piece that I taught 10 years ago and this is a close sample to what you would be making to learn many forms of stumpwork. . 
    Thank you for taking time to read about this class

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Time To Eat :)

This is not our usual meal but when lobster is cheaper than hamburg what can you do :)
This is a real treat 

Mary Kay day & Pics of a class

Hi everyone, My daughter decided the other day to have a Mary Kay party for a couple of her friends and of course I was invited too. I used to sell Mary Kay when I was in my early 30's so it was nice to see what was new. And yes I bought some foundation who could say no it was so smooth. Our Mary Kay lady is Marjorie Crossman and if any of you live in the southern Maine area she was so nice. Her # is 843-452-1816, and she would be happy to have a party for you. 
And I have a photo of  the Gracie class that I had at Yankee Cross Stitch.  

It was a fun class and great group of girls
I am working on orders today and then off to work on the crochet flower directions for you.
Try to stay cool, because it is really warming up here :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Frame Finishing directions for "Garden Of Wildflowers"

I am still working on the directions for the crochet flowers but I have some quick directions for the frame, 
This is the unfinished frame that I purchased at Michael's

I painted it a shade of green that I liked

I them brushed on a coat of Crackle by Delta, I followed the directions and let it dry for a few minutes

I then brushed on my white top coat and watched it crackle

All framed :)
The next thing will be the directions for the crochet flowers.
Maybe tomorrow!

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Etsy Sale

Just a quick note that I have a Christmas In July Sale in my Etsy shop. So check it out and I am goint to work on that little owl that flew into the Birds Of a Funky Feather flock!, HAHA
Have a good Sunday, I will be back tomorrow

Monday, July 02, 2012

My Very First Design

I have been feeling nostalgic lately and I was looking at some old papers and I found a copy of my very first design. I remember that I made while I was sitting in Lempster NH at our dinning room table. It was made by hand so the chart has symbols that I penciled in. I made motifs on grid paper and cut them out and arranged them onto a larger sheet of graph paper. I moved them around until I was happy and then I taped them down. After that I started charting the design onto 11ct graph paper with my own symbols and a fine tip marker. It took a long time but it was worth it to me because I missed the seashore. We lived so far out in the woods. It was beautiful there with all of nature, animals and so many sounds but I did miss the ocean. There were no cross stitch shops around either so I decided then to try my hand at making my own. I did not even own a computer at that time and I was never on the internet. This is my first design and I am making it available for you, my Etsy customers. It is in PDF format and has 10 pages with plenty of directions and I even share with you photos of my sketches, with the motifs and some notes on the graft paper.
 It is all by hand and made with love because what is summer without a trip to the beach. 
Have a great day

About Me

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Hi everyone, my name is Donna. I just love stitching of all sorts, I also love antique, and book stores. I am married and I have 2 children, and 3 grandchildren :). My Christian faith is the foundation of my life, and has sustained me through the ups and downs of this journey. Keep spreading kindness so you can change the world. So glad you stopped by, leave me a message and I will stop by and visit you.

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Stitch An Inch Fall