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Monday, July 02, 2012

My Very First Design

I have been feeling nostalgic lately and I was looking at some old papers and I found a copy of my very first design. I remember that I made while I was sitting in Lempster NH at our dinning room table. It was made by hand so the chart has symbols that I penciled in. I made motifs on grid paper and cut them out and arranged them onto a larger sheet of graph paper. I moved them around until I was happy and then I taped them down. After that I started charting the design onto 11ct graph paper with my own symbols and a fine tip marker. It took a long time but it was worth it to me because I missed the seashore. We lived so far out in the woods. It was beautiful there with all of nature, animals and so many sounds but I did miss the ocean. There were no cross stitch shops around either so I decided then to try my hand at making my own. I did not even own a computer at that time and I was never on the internet. This is my first design and I am making it available for you, my Etsy customers. It is in PDF format and has 10 pages with plenty of directions and I even share with you photos of my sketches, with the motifs and some notes on the graft paper.
 It is all by hand and made with love because what is summer without a trip to the beach. 
Have a great day


  1. Very well done Its very beautifully))

  2. It's beautiful, and I loved reading your story!

  3. What a lovely design...and a wonderful First Design!

  4. Wow. With this being your first design you sure set the bar high for yourself. It's beautiful. You started out with an A+.

  5. bonjour, apres avoir fait un essais je viens te dire que j'ai fait ta connaissance par Brodstich qui a réalisé ta petite grille avec le bateau et les fleurs , j'aimerais bien la broder, elle est tres belle, je dois aussi te dire que je m'abonne a ta news, ça me ferais plaisir de te suivre d'autant que nous avons les mêmes lectures . Je suis ravie de t'avoir rencontrée , mon lieux de culte est sur la ville de Bédarieux dans l'Hérault .France. si tu veut me répondre, rien que sur mon adresse blog si tu veut bien, je me permet , les bisous, dianou

  6. It's a great design Donna.

  7. What a fabulous first!!

  8. Dear Donna,hello! I'm an italian stitcher! Very nice blog, I love to see the beautiful SAL you Made. If you lice, be my guest at!

  9. absolutely love your first design & its as wonderful & sweet today as it was when you made it! the beach is so very much where I want to be in summer, hoping to hop over to atlantic coast from jacksonville before summer end (not far but hard to get away just 20+ miles!)

  10. Beautiful piece,your work is really lovely .


About Me

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Hi everyone, my name is Donna. I just love stitching of all sorts, I also love antique, and book stores. I am married and I have 2 children, and 3 grandchildren :). My Christian faith is the foundation of my life, and has sustained me through the ups and downs of this journey. Keep spreading kindness so you can change the world. So glad you stopped by, leave me a message and I will stop by and visit you.

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