I wanted to post earlier but hubby has not been well.........3 days of doctor appointments and more antibiotics.....so I have finally found a bit of time to share a picture with you of a new design.......
no name yet...........I love crewel embroidery and I believe there are so many people that stitch and are doing cross stitch so I have decided to take a drawing that I did years ago while it was nap time at the day care center I was working at.......those sleeping babies :)............I took the drawing and enlarged it.......traced over and then scanned it in the program and went over all of the stitches because there were so many shades of grey - black..........pulled threads and then added all of these to the design and tweaked it as I went..........this is my result............
still stitching away at doctor appointments and late in the evening......but I am liking it..............I will share more as time goes on......hopefully I will get it finished this weekend........I would like to also make it as a crewel, embroidery, and or punch needle design........still thinking.....What do you think?
Have a good night.....until next time......donna