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Thursday, November 07, 2013

Newsletters Have just gone out!!

A quick note for you that the newsletters have gone out and there is a Thanksgiving freebie that was included. I hope you like it. Check your in-box for the letter. And I am passing on a message from the newsletter to make sure everyone see's it.

Just a huge note that I was planning an OPEN HOUSE for my studio on Nov 30th but I have decided to NOT have it yet. I am going to wait until spring. We have way to much going on at the moment and I need more time to get ready so I figure the long cold winter will give me plenty of time to prepare.

I will give you more info as I plan for it but until now it is cancelled. Sorry if this caused any inconvenience
donna :(

Have a good night 


  1. Just wanted to say thanks for the Thanksgiving freebie.

  2. Hello~ My newsletter comes to me in a strange format that I cannot open. Is there another way? It says it is a Vcard and my Mac will not open it. :-( This is the November letter.

    1. Sorry I dont know why but I just posted the free turkey on the blog. this was in the newsletter

  3. I just signed up for the newsletter. Is it too late to this this months?

    1. sorry it is too late but I just added the turkey onto the blog that was a freebie in the newsletter.

  4. This is so cute, thanks for designing it


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Hi everyone, my name is Donna. I just love stitching of all sorts, I also love antique, and book stores. I am married and I have 2 children, and 3 grandchildren :). My Christian faith is the foundation of my life, and has sustained me through the ups and downs of this journey. Keep spreading kindness so you can change the world. So glad you stopped by, leave me a message and I will stop by and visit you.

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