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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Trunk Show on the way to your neighborhood ?

Happy Wednesday, 
I just mailed out a trunk show to Beehive NeedleArts in Pittsburgh PA .
 It will be there for the month of July.
 They have a great website and so many fibers, check them out :)
I will have some new things to post soon but not today, miss you all
Love donna 
My Grandson Liam by a dock in York :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Noble Leap of Faith better photo :)

Noble Leap of Faith by By The Bay Needleart
I didn't like the first photos I had , so I took another outside with some natural light and a little pop of color from my geraniums. 
and another closer look with no frame 

Have a happy day

Monday, June 15, 2015

Every child on the planet needs to watch this, please share...

This is not one of my usual post but I saw this the other day and shared it on my personal Facebook. It is very moving and made me cry, I hope you can share this with someone that may need to hear it.
 We awoke this morning with my daughter telling us that some one else that she knew died from an overdose of heroin. We hear of so many kids addicted and even parents, Many people think that it will never touch them or their family but it does touch every one, it is becoming such a tragic epidemic. I see so much attention on the news about things like MERS and the number of people that have died from that is sad.... but what about the thousands that are dying from drugs. Maybe we think that our children are grown and they are all set but we have grandchildren....and every passing year it is getting harder for them.......Please pray for all of our family's and those that don't have a family.........
I pray this video touches you as it did me....thank you for watching it, 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

"Noble Leap of Faith"

 I would like to thank Tripps Grammy for a "Leap Of Faith" and   Kim M.   for "Noble Spirit" . With these 2 suggestions I have decided on "Noble Leap of Faith". These 2 ladies will be receiving a copy of this chart as soon as I get it to the printer with a name and the directions.
 So sometime next week, it should be ready for the mail.  
Thank you everyone that submitted a suggestion, I appreciate your time and thoughts. 
It sure is a beautiful day here today, letting in some fresh air with some music. I just love the sound of birds in music. Does anyone know the names of any  CD's with this type of music? It is very relaxing for me!! I am of to do some folding of charts.....almost time for Section 7 for Serenity Harbor.....just picked them up from the printer and waiting for my order of bags.....then of they will go :)
Have a beautiful day

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Design Needs A Name. Suggestions !!

Happy Thursday, 
I finished the new design yesterday, It is the one from a couple of post's ago about how I miss crewel work so I designed one for cross stitch. 
I need help with a name.....any suggestions would be here is a bonus!!!.........if I choose the name you suggest I will send you a free chart of this new design as a THANK YOU.......
Here is the photo below ......thinking caps on.........lets go...........
By The Bay design

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

A photo share from Barbara of Serenity Harbor

I have a photo to share from Barbara, she wasn't able to share it herself on the blog so I am doing it for her :)
She decided to change the bird as it was to light on the fabric and searched through her stash for other colors and found a variegated blue and used it. She tore out all of the vine and leaf colors as they looked to golden and brown on her grey fabric. They are darker, don't pop as much, but at least they go better with her red roses. She is doing this over one on 32ct . She has done a lot of frogging as she has changed colors but is very happy with it so far!!
Looks beautiful
and thank you Barbara for sharing

About Me

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Hi everyone, my name is Donna. I just love stitching of all sorts, I also love antique, and book stores. I am married and I have 2 children, and 3 grandchildren :). My Christian faith is the foundation of my life, and has sustained me through the ups and downs of this journey. Keep spreading kindness so you can change the world. So glad you stopped by, leave me a message and I will stop by and visit you.

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Stitch An Inch Fall