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Saturday, June 13, 2015

"Noble Leap of Faith"

 I would like to thank Tripps Grammy for a "Leap Of Faith" and   Kim M.   for "Noble Spirit" . With these 2 suggestions I have decided on "Noble Leap of Faith". These 2 ladies will be receiving a copy of this chart as soon as I get it to the printer with a name and the directions.
 So sometime next week, it should be ready for the mail.  
Thank you everyone that submitted a suggestion, I appreciate your time and thoughts. 
It sure is a beautiful day here today, letting in some fresh air with some music. I just love the sound of birds in music. Does anyone know the names of any  CD's with this type of music? It is very relaxing for me!! I am of to do some folding of charts.....almost time for Section 7 for Serenity Harbor.....just picked them up from the printer and waiting for my order of bags.....then of they will go :)
Have a beautiful day


  1. Wonderful name for the chart....congratulations to both gals for the inspiration.

  2. OH my goodness!!! Thank you, Donna! I'm honored and so very excited! Best wishes and congratulations to Tripps Grammy, too.

  3. Thanks so much, Donna! Congratulations to you Kim! I love our combined name for this lovely design. Can't wait to stitch it!


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Hi everyone, my name is Donna. I just love stitching of all sorts, I also love antique, and book stores. I am married and I have 2 children, and 3 grandchildren :). My Christian faith is the foundation of my life, and has sustained me through the ups and downs of this journey. Keep spreading kindness so you can change the world. So glad you stopped by, leave me a message and I will stop by and visit you.

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